IF Only
If only you could understand Neuro Brain Injury
If only you could take the time to understand it
If only you can see beyond my mask
If only you could acknowledge before you experience the same
If only you can be in my shoes & fight my fight
If only you are caring
If only you would be more loving
If only someone would understand it’s not easy
If only you would be willing to listen without judging
If only my smile is as genuine
If only my problems would disappear
If only we can rid the stigma attached
If only we can wake up and realise
If only we don’t turn a blind eye
If only we could pay more attention
If only we can be ready to seek help
If only you won’t be foolish and turn away
If only you could help me stop hiding
If only families would stay true and real
If only i can get the support from my families
If only my families remember what they almost lost
If only everyone would understand I’m not the same
If only i can make sense of my thoughts to you all
If only you know i can’t explain the way i use too
If only we strengthen our bond
If only i could break out of this bubble
If only we are ready to battle this together
If only we help each other
If only i can be me again
If only it just was just a dream
If only i can tackle this mental health
If only we realise mental health is not being insane
If only we read up on the symptoms
If only we are ready to change
If only we do help
If only we are true in our feelings
If only we let our real eyes realise this is all true
If only..
If only…
RP ©️
( Please attribute me as the author for usage )