Emotional Intelligence

Real Eyes Realise was our very first project we formed in 2017 to support communities who stigmatised mental health & BAME communities and weren’t able to seek support without judgement.
We facilitate holistic/pastoral counselling, advice, signposting, support to organisations & educational institutions of Well-being & staff support.
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- Real Eyes Realise
Thoughts are Paintings Paintings are Explanations Explanations are Beauty Beauty of Character Beauty of Emotions Emotions define Characters Characters define…
Breathe Breathe and the Calmness will come Breathe and Tears will come to an end Breathe and the Answers will…
Another storm but this is mine The storm continues The storm never stops The storm gushes Thunderstorm Snowstorm Ice storm…
From Cradle to Grave From Young to Old From School to Work From Playing to Paying From House to Home…
Want it short and effective Want it capturing and motivating Want it to be heard and remembered Want it to…
We wake up but do we truly wake up to reality We spend the day in the fast lane We…
IF Only If only you could understand Neuro Brain Injury If only you could take the time to understand it…